Sunday, November 27, 2011


It's been a while since I posted anything, but I promise I've had good reason... study! Well it's finally over and Christmas has hit me (I think the day study was over was when the whole MERRY arrived), so I am happy to report I have started the crafts. First on the list are cards for the kids classmates. We usually do candy canes, but last year my boy had way too many candy canes in one day so I thought I'd try something else... crayons! and yes, I do know that kids like the candy canes better :) 

I'd been through the crayon box earlier in the year and saved some crayons for future crafts so decided we would test out the 'recycling' and mold them into stars for our cards. 

Find some old crayons

Chop them up into small pieces

Place pieces into OVENPROOF mold and bake at 150 degrees celcius for 5-10mins. I turned the light on and watched until the crayons were just melted so the colours didn't all run together to form an icky brown. Remove from over and set aside to cool completely before turning out of mold. 
 *we filled our mold with multi  coloured bits of crayon but you could do them in layers by colour if you wanted a different effect

Design your card and attach crayon as desired (I had to use sticky tape)... and DONE :)

 Hope preschoolers and year 2 kids like these :)