Monday, February 28, 2011


Yup, that's who I live with, 2 little Techno Zombies well the husband makes a 3rd but I won't include him here. Santa decided to bring Mr7 as DSiXL for Christmas and I want to slap him now, and ever since I have struggled to control the time spent on it, and time spent fighting over it between my two kids. I swore when school started I would enforce more strict rules, but then we got some new games and it all went out the window!! SO, today I'd had enough when the fighting started again this morning and FINALLY made a "earn it" system. Here it is... and yes, it's very plain and simple this time because I am pressed for time :) It is meant to resemble a DS (made from cardboard and cellophane) and the kids have to earn "techno chips" to earn their time on any technology they'd like to use (for us this includes the DS, PC and ipod). Gold techno chips = 10mins
Silver techno chips= 5mins

RULES: Techno chips can only be given/taken by mum and dad. Cheaters will have ALL chips removed and not be able to earn any until further notice. Techno chips may be used daily or saved for later. Techno chips may be 'purchased' using flowers from the good behaviour chart (1flower=10cents=1min techno time). Any arguing when you are told your time is up will cost you in chips the next day. Chips CAN NOT be cashed before 4pm on school days or before 8am on weekends.

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