Sunday, August 22, 2010

another Father's Day gift

yup, the first gift only took my kids a whole 20mins to make and they were bouncing off the walls to make another so we moved onto gift 2, a photo frame. We got cheap photo frames at Ikea (I think they were 3 for $5) and decorated them.

we used nails, washers, bolts, nuts & screws but you could also use golf tees for the golfing dad, or shells and even a wax comb for the surfing kinda daddy :)

use PVA glue to stick bits around your frame

Mr6 spelt out 'dad' on his frame- I thought it was a great idea!

let the glue dry (will be clear when dry) and then paint your frame

Miss3 painting her frame and enjoying every second of it

Mr6's finished frame... we just need a photo to go in it now


If you cant get similar cheap frames, you could try making some with paddle pop sticks... we only had 2 frames and wanted to make some for our Papa so we made these... would be good to add some magnets to the back and place on the fridge... and you dont have to out a photo in there, a drawing, painting or what you love about dad or grandpa could go in there too :)

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