Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Family Dinner night

Yes that's right we have 1 of these a week. This will seem terrible (I can imagine most of my LDS friends have lovely family meals each night) to some, but we are lucky to have managed 1 night a week at this stage! My husband has always worked late hours, 12 hour work days, 4 days a week, so it;s like being a single parent 4 days a week. On a wednesday however, he finishes off early to start his 'weekend' and arrives home at 5pm. For me it's something to celebrate as I look forward to him being home and spending time with us, and if you're ever here on a wednesday, you'll see (and hear from streets away) the excitement and countdown going on while we wait for dad :) So, we decided wednesdays are our family dinner night. We even sit at the table like real people! This is rare in our house as I usually wait for husband to have my dinner, which is long after the kids bedtime, and usually done in front of the TV (I know it's a bad habit, but it's late ok, and he's not much of a talker as it is LOL). Our table is also rarely visable so we can all sit at it with food in front of us, usually there is a craft project going on, books sprawled out everywhere and pens & pencils galore plus the resident fish... so once a week it all disappears, we all cooperate to make dinner, set the table, make dessert and have a 'nice' dinner with 'nice' conversation. Wednesday is my favourite day of the week :)
Spaghetti and meatballs... cupcakes for dessert

Feta & Eggplant Meatballs.... fruit and marshmallow skewers for dessert

* I forgot to add that wednesdays we try to make a meal we ALL like, which can be very difficult... meatballs are popular with the littles!

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